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Monday, 25 October 2010
Friday, 22 October 2010
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Beer for Beginners - Data Collection
Posted by
Luke Hallam
As part of the data collection for info graphics, I collected colour samples off a variety of beer styles for reference to a colour palette, information and demonstration of varieties.
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
Bottles sitting on the wall.
Posted by
Luke Hallam
A sample of bottles collected over the summer for various briefs/research looking at a variety of label designs, beer styles, bottle shapes and print processes involved to produce the beer bottles. A selection of bottles work well as a series from the same breweries, but with largely the designs are old fashioned and over eccentric in style. Bright colours and badly laid out text.
There are however a few gems in the selection, such as the sample below demonstrating more contemporary designs.
really nice use of stock and two colour printing process for a porter from Odell Brewing company. The hand drawn type adds a nice quality, and draws attention to detail to the label, instead of just brewing the beer. Majority of beers brewed in this country, the label/beer tab feels like an after thought. This beer is from Colorado, USA.
A really nice use of foil on the label to draw attention to the user. All the 'Brew Dog' beers feature the same typeface and layout to the labels, but the higher percentage/more expensive beers are reflected in the design, a change of colour or spot varnish, depending on the beer.
One of my favourite bottles of recent times. Informative, purely typographic, select range of colours, contemporary feel, Appropriate print of label (coated stock), British produced and from a small brewery. Consideration from production through to delivery. Its bloody delicious too.
Info-graphics! I was surprised to find this little gem on the back on one of the bottles, suggesting tasting notes, what to expect, and a little bit of information about how the beer is produced. The label itself isn't very nice, but this portion of information is inspiring. Does the information need to be placed directly onto the bottle? or can the information accompany the beer?
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Guy Ritchie - Film choices/thoughts
Posted by
Luke Hallam
6 films that Guy Ritchie has been apart of in the past 12 years as a basis for the series. The addition is Layer Cake, of a similar genre but not involved with Guy Ritchie in production. To include Layer cake in the series, the Series would have to include written/directed/produced/inspired by Guy Ritchie. Is it worth the compromise? All depending on film choices and the impact they have on each other. I feel I will have to watch them all again to draw some conclusions and progress.
Infographics - online 1
Posted by
Luke Hallam
Logical stepped process for helping make a decision, with yes/no directions. visually strong, but easy to navigate.
Simple display of statistics, no particular order, logical containment of information. Not as visually strong, little impact on the user.
Manipulating existing visuals/information to allow for new information. On initial impressions all seems normal, until closer inspection.
Strong visual impact, but information is sacrificed for initial impact. Only until further inspection, information is understood.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
The current problem.
Posted by
Luke Hallam
Real ale is on a decline in this country in pubs and in supermarkets selling real ale. It is seen as old fashioned and dated for an older audience. In a search to attempt to change this, I have found key examples of why its not helping itself. Exhibit A- The website. Very text heavy makes the website dry and tedious to search through to find relevant and useful pieces of information. All with based around the same topic, makes it hard to determine the difference.
Considering my direction is infographics and type, I feel I should consider screen for placement of my final visuals. Cover a variety of aspects of screen and print variations in order to reach the varied audience. Output depending on audience?
Good Beer guide application.
Posted by
Luke Hallam
Investigating into Camra and beer in this country, I was pleasantly surprised to find a Good Beer Guide application on their website for my Android phone (also available for iphone) so I had to download it, see what I was missing out on. Camra have a print version of the guide available to buy, but I thought it was good to see the organisation branching out to new technologies. The application itself is a stripped down version with essential info, relevant contact details and even gives directions to your chosen establishment. the application itself is £4.99 which on app terms could be seen as expensive, but when the book retails at £14.99 with a new edition each year, it is seen as a handy alternative for the younger audience. The application itself is great to find beer, but what I want to produce is explain differences and tasting beer, something that hasn't been achieved yet.
key information in pictograms on first list given, but click further for greater detail.
Biographies, reviews and awards are also displayed.
And directions! intergrated with google maps which is a great feature.
Deckades Skateboarding Exhibition
Posted by
Luke Hallam
Skateboards are celebrated as art forms more than ever now, back in April was a Exhibition from Howies for original and vintage skateboards. Also hosted 20 hand-painted skateboards from local/important Skateboard artists like Jim Phillips, Pete Fowler and Geoff Mcfetridge to raise money for unicef. I didn't manage to make it to the exhibition in Bristol back in April due to other University commitments, but my eyes are peeled for the next.
18 of the 20 boards painted for charity. One board was as a series of 3 (shown below) by 45rpmWHAT.

A sample of the many boards on display, ranging through the past 3 decades of skateboard design.