Taking into consideration what I said on the previous blog post fro direction, I have collected these gems from Share some candy, another brilliant site. Keeping it simple and introducing paper engineering.

Yes! someone has simplified things for coffee.. a reason why I don't drink it? why not have it plain and simple english. The simplicity of Tea. which bag, milk, sugar? done. None of this double skimmed tall rubbish.

Printing on glass looks lovely, CMYK and saves on labels + additional materials.

Meant to be a animated GIF file.. buts its not working. See it
here. Could be constructing a cup of tea? flip book to construct? Flash animation?

Everything looks better with a smiley face. Fact.

Not even print, punched out of card to create type. Cheaper than print? brilliant.

Why not tins? Simple, perfect storage for tea and just a label to apply. LOOK INTO THIS.

Just a illustration of the product, different colours applied to jars and tins. Too simple? not as successful? almost seems a waste of stock/ink

Clever, but might not work for tea, what could you use?

Mmmm. Ingredients pressed into paper, not 100% on the technique.

Run at the speed of a bullet?

State the problem to find the right solution. 'I need a drink to calm me down', 'I need a burst of energy', 'I want something relaxed' refering to different teas.

Good use of paper engineering to hold products in place. The doritos is only a concept, but works well.
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