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Wednesday 5 May 2010

Skype visuals/interface

The visuals for skype are very clean and strong/vector styles throughout the site. I assume for ease of translation between countries and cultures. Should this be considered? or should I continue with a strictly english speaking design direction? I would hope that the final chosen typeface/treatment will be readable no matter what language. 

The visual identity of the Skype brand is already very strong, so I feel the branding should be incorporated in someway so you can still recognise it as skype, Even if its in a subtle way recreating the outline of the logo, or altering the colour scheme to my chosen colourway.

Although aware of what Skype is as a program and a service, I have never actually properly used the software before. I downloaded the program on the website which was an absolute breeze- clear and concise information directed me to the right link, the charges and how simple it was to start. Program loaded as it would, I created myself a Skype name and continued through to the first screen. Easy peasy.

The interface itself is straight forward too, not showing unnecessary information and opening windows/boxes through simple navigation. With only a few contacts and imported information from ical, my Skype looks relatively bare, but with more contacts added soon, more functions would be available. 
I feel this ethic and tone taken to producing the skype interface needs to be translated into advertising and express the ease of use and flexibility available.


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